Google /AdWords Setup: Why does BringShare try to connect to accounts like Google AdWords or Google that I do not want it to connect to?

Trevor -

When you set up your BringShare account and you have multiple Google accounts or multiple social media profiles (perhaps a personal account and a work account), make sure to have all of your Google accounts closed except for the one that is linked to the information you would like BringShare to pull and restart the setup process. If this problem persists, try resetting your browser or opening a new one.


BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow your business.

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