Custom Report Builder 2.2: Adding Images

Cassandra Nino -

Have data that's not in BringShare? Take a screen shot and upload it as an image! Use the upload an image button to include important screen shots of external data for your client reports. 


Adding an Image

 1) Within the Custom Report Builder, click the "Upload an Image" button

  • The "Upload an Image" button ca be found within the row of three buttons between every table and graph. Images can be moved, so you do not need to worry if it is not positioned correctly at first!


2) Click the "Choose File" button to select image you wish to upload.

  • Files can be in ".jpg", ".png", and ".gif" formats with a maximum size of 10MB

3) To delete an image use the "remove" button in the right-hand corner

4) If you would like to move the image to another location within the report, use the up and down arrow buttons in the right-hand corner


5) The image will then be formatted to fit perfectly into the report!





BringShare is internet marketing software that makes it incredibly simple to track your digital marketing efforts. We mash all your marketing together into concise, beautiful dashboards and present your data in a way for you to get the most out of your and time. Beyond that, our internet marketing dashboards can be converted to marketing reports in seconds, allowing you to bypass hours of manual work and focus on further strategies to grow business.

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